Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships

The Vice-Chancellor has established a £150,000 scholarship fund to support international students who are funding their own studies at the University of Essex. This scholarship scheme is specifically for non-EU students seeking to join our University. Awards will be made on the basis of academic merit, and applications for relevant courses from students who meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for a scholarship award. The scholarship is off-set against your tuition fees. Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships for Undergraduate Students 2014 Country/subject Scholarship amount Details CSEE Seven £2,000 scholarships For international undergraduates studying computer science and electronic engineering in their first year of study EBS Southend Three £2,000 scholarships For international undergraduates studying at Essex Business School, Southend Campus in their first year of study IFP/Year 0 Ten £2,000 scholarships For international undergraduates for our International Foundation Programme / Year 0 of a 4 year Bachelor’s degree India Sixteen £1,500 scholarships For undergraduates from India in their first year of study from specified schools Nigeria Ten £2,500 scholarships For undergraduates from Nigeria in their first year of study from specified schools USA Two £3,000 scholarships For undergraduates from the USA in their first year of study General Up to ten £2,000 scholarships Other awards may be allocated under this scheme to high achieving international undergraduates Vice-Chancellor’s International Scholarships for taught Masters Students 2014 Country Scholarship amount Details China Two £4,000 scholarships and one £2,000 scholarship For postgraduates from China who work at specified institutions CSEE Three £2,000 scholarships For international postgraduates in computer science and electronic engineering studying MSc Big Data and Text Analytics and MSc Cloud Computing EBS Southend Three £2,000 scholarships For international postgraduates studying at Essex Business School, Southend Campus Latin America Two £3,000 scholarships For postgraduates from specified universities in Latin America USA Two £3,000 scholarships For postgraduates from the USA General Up to ten £2,000 scholarships Other awards may be allocated under this scheme to high achieving international postgraduates Terms and conditions 1. Eligibility These scholarships are restricted to applicants who are entirely self-funded and are classified as international students for fees purposes. They are not available to students who are fully or partly sponsored. These scholarships may be awarded to students who have completed the relevant school or university studies in the specified countries (if applicable) and whose declared country of residence is that country. These scholarships may be restricted to applicants from specified schools. Only one scholarship award can be made per student and the award cannot normally be held in conjunction with other University of Essex scholarships. These scholarship awards do not apply to deferred entry. Where a scholarship has been awarded to a student who subsequently defers entry to the following academic year, the award will be withdrawn and the applicant will be considered again in line with the terms and conditions that apply in the new proposed year of entry. 2. How do I apply? These scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic merit and all academic applications from students who meet the eligibility criteria will automatically be considered for a scholarship. The University will use official transcripts and certificates, submitted as part of the original application, as evidence of grades achieved and no alternative supporting evidence will be accepted. Applicants who have firmly accepted an offer of a place by 30 June 2014, and met the academic conditions of entry, will be considered for these scholarships. Applications submitted after that date may be considered, depending on availability of funds. Successful applicants will be informed, in writing, by the end of July 2014 of any award to be offered. 3. Payment arrangements These scholarship awards will only be made available as a reduction on the tuition fee that is payable on registration at the University. 4. Promotional activities By accepting the scholarship, recipients are giving the University permission to use their details for promotional purposes and may be asked to provide a case study which may be used in University publications or on the website. These terms and conditions apply to the academic year 2014-15. The University of Essex reserves the right to update these terms and conditions as necessary.


TERMS AND CONDITION: Please read carefully before completing this form. Be sure that the information you provide is accurate. Applicants from public Universities and Colleges of Education in Nigeria must be full time undergraduates in 200 level/2nd year. Applicants from public Universities and Colleges of Education must have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) score of 3.5 or its equivalent (2:1) Applicants from public Polytechnics must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 (upper credit) from the Ordinary National Diploma (OND) programme and must have secured admission into the Higher National Diploma programme (HND). Direct entry level students must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 (upper credit) from the OND programme and must have secured admission into 200 level/2nd year in a public University Current Beneficiaries of the MTN Foundation Science & Technology Scholarship award are not eligible to apply The MTN Foundation reserves the right to cancel or suspend a scholarship award if it is discovered that an applicant /awardee provided false information. Names of successful candidates will be published in National Dailies Closing date for receipt of application is Tuesday May 4th 2014 Please note that all information provided will be verified and persons with fraudulent information will be held accountable. Please note that this portal is the only mode of application Only applications from students studying one of the under listed courses will be considered: Accountancy/Accounting Agric. Extension and Rural Development Agricultural Science Agronomy Animal Breeding and Genetics Animal Nutrition Animal Production and Health Aquaculture and Fisheries Management Applied Physics Architecture Chemical Engineering Civil Engineering Computer and Electronics Computer and Information Science Computer and Mathematics Computer Engineering Computer Science Electrical Engineering Electrical/Electronics Engineering Electronics and Computer Technology Electronics Engineering Engineering Physics Industrial Mathematics Industrial Physics Information Technology Mathematics Mechanical Engineering Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Petroleum and Gas Engineering Physics Electronics Geophysics Physics/ Computational Modeling Pure/ Applied Physics Statistics Statistics and Computer Science System Engineering Visit: to apply.

A letter to President Jonathan from the grave

A letter to President Jonathan from the grave

Dear President Jonathan:
We, the more than 200 victims of Boko Haram’s latest savage bomb attacks, feel we must write to you from beyond. Our simple message is summed up in the phrase: Enough is enough.
As you know, we were dispatched to our sudden death by the gruesome bombs of depraved people, who think they have God’s mandate to kill and maim others. We did not commit any crime, deserving of any punishment, much less the horrific deaths meted out to us. We were simply going about the business of our varied daily lives. We just happened to be about when craven men, who take pride in playing god set about their heinous business of sowing bombs the way more honourable people sow yams.
The bombs exploded in a fraction of a breath, left us no praying chance, no time even to think swift, endearing last thoughts about loved ones. Forget about saying hurried good byes. Incendiary, deafening blasts, and it ended. In a flash, more than two hundred of us, men and women, adults and children, became gored, scalded, bloodied bodies, twitching as we turned into corpses. The bombs severed limbs, tore open skulls, disgorged brains and viscera.
The rabid, misbegotten zealots of a twisted version of Islam planted the explosives that killed us. But the space and idea called Nigeria is complicit in our dastardly fate.
The pieces of our decapitated bodies had not been harvested yet when the Nigerian state commenced its mindless business of dishonouring the dead. The security agencies that could not anticipate and forestall the attack that wasted our lives began its usual dumb game of statistical fibbing. They said “only” twenty-something of us had died. And then, as the evidence mounted about the scale of the tragedy, they revised their figures upwards. Only seventy plus people had perished, they asserted.
Why must the Nigerian state deploy bloody lies to cover each carnage? Isn’t it bad enough that the country’s security agents are unable to protect innocents from the murderous designs of evil merchants of death? What end is served by this macabre falsehood? Is there a noble prize handed out to countries that consistently under-report the number of people, who perish in acts of violence? Even if twenty-five of us died, instead of two hundred, does that earn Nigeria some great glory? Does that make Nigeria a rosier destination for tourists? Are foreign investors perpetually on the lookout, waiting to rush their cash into any country that, (a), routinely falsifies the number of casualties in terrorist attacks and, (b), would place the word “only” before twenty-five or seventy-five corpses?
This morbid lying with figures is yet another way that Nigeria violates most of its populace. Most of those unfortunate enough to be called Nigerians are systematically degraded in life and diminished in death. Alive or dead, Nigerians don’t count!
About this time last year, two young men, blood brothers, set off pressure cooker bombs near the finish line of the Boston marathon. Three persons died, with scores more injured. US officials did not spend one moment, trying to mislead the world about the number of victims. Instead, from President Barack Obama through Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts to the mayor of Boston, one message and one message emerged: The perpetrators would be unmasked and the people of Boston would grow stronger from the horror.
The full power and intelligence of American law enforcement got cracking. Investigations led to leads, led to identification of the perpetrators, led to a massive manhunt that led to the death of one suspect and capture of the other.
Through it all, the American people, led by Mr. Obama, remained focused, resilient, determined to learn the hard lessons and to be more vigilant in order to avert or, at least, reduce future attacks.
What President Obama did, Mr. Jonathan, is a profile in what’s called true leadership. Let’s contrast his admirable example with yours.
Our torn limbs were still being gathered, it seemed, when you, President Jonathan, took off to Kano to keep a campaign date. It was deplorable enough that you felt the urge to proceed with partisan politicking hours after a dreadful series of explosions killed so many, physically scarred many more and left uncountable numbers bereaved, shaken with grief. But the kind of political rally you chose to have spoke volumes about your profound confusion about the meaning and quality of leadership. You had on stage with you musicians, who played heady music, as if the slaughter of Nigerians at Nyanya Motor Park was a crowning achievement of your presidency. You even swayed to the music, titillated your fellow party men and women with a few dance steps. Then you unleashed a torrent of lowbrow, partisan vituperations against your political opponents.
Here’s what you didn’t do, what you failed to do. You didn’t project a solemn expression that would have shown you were aware of what time it was in Nigeria – aware that it was death time, horror time, mourning time. If you had to do an event in Kano, you might have used the occasion to spell out a major policy initiative for addressing the plague of Boko Haram. You did not tell confused, angry and terrorised Nigerians what you plan to do to checkmate those who deal death to others in the name of fighting Western values.
No, you danced. You danced – we might as well say – on the corpses of those who died; on the wounds of those still bleeding from their injuries; on the agony of the bereaved. For you, sir, leadership is one giddy carnival that must go on no matter the number of corpses on the streets, no matter the depth of disquiet on the faces of those for whom death at the hands of Boko Haram is a real and present danger.
You and your aides have often accused your political opponents of sponsoring sorties of Boko Haram attacks. If this is true, then it’s your duty to do something about it. Nigerians are sick of this ploy, tired of the fruitless pointing at faceless, nameless nemeses. Unmask the sponsors, now.  Order their arrest and prosecution, now. It doesn’t matter how politically or financially big they are. Go ahead: Name, arrest and prosecute them. If you’re scared of these champions of death, if the arsenal of your presidential powers can’t match their homicidal will, then it’s time you stepped down from the office you hold. If Nigeria’s crime entrepreneurs are so big the president and the institutions of the state must cower in fear of them, then Nigeria has zero reason to continue existing.
Mr. Jonathan, stop this carnival train that parades streets piled with corpses! Leadership is not a party.


JAMB: How not to ‘move education forward’

The proposed computer-based test to replace the paper-and-pencil test in the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) for admission into public universities should be scrapped even before it becomes compulsory in 2015. Computer-based testing of students in an environment in which access to computers is highly limited is an unwise, inequitable, prejudiced, and discriminatory method of testing candidates seeking admission into Nigerian universities.
Computers are an efficient and effective way of doing things but we must also acknowledge that access to computers is highly limited in our society. How many university students have access to computers or have computer skills? The Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) must not rush to implement this inept policy that will disadvantage so many students. The first test of fairness that should be considered is whether the use of computers in the university admission tests will provide a level playing field to all the candidates. If the answer to the question is in the negative, such a proposal must be scrapped immediately.
Computer-based testing for admission into universities will not meet the requirement for fairness. The test will not be fair to all students because of the obvious disparities that exist between students in urban centres who are exposed to better facilities and students in rural locations who have limited access to computers. Not only does this inequity exist in terms of access to computers, it exists also in terms of requisite computer skills. With such a comparative background of disadvantage, how does JAMB expect students from rural areas to match the computer knowledge and skills of students in city centres in an examination that is deemed to be fair and equitable?
By proposing to introduce computer-based testing for admission into Nigerian universities, JAMB has failed to acknowledge that a computer knowledge gap exists between students in urban centres and those in rural areas in regard to their level of access to computers and other technologies that facilitate teaching and learning. Youth in rural and remote locations in Nigeria experience more social and economic disadvantages than their counterparts in city centres. These students also suffer from low self-esteem more than students in urban centres.
Beyond questions of computer access and skills, there is also the more problematic question of how JAMB plans to provide uninterrupted electricity that will power the computers throughout the duration of the examination. We have a notorious record of frequent disruptions in electricity supply. How will computer-based tests be conducted hitch-free across the country when there is no guarantee of steady electricity supply in all the examination venues?
Is JAMB fully equipped to handle the problems that are likely to arise when electricity supply is cut off in one or more centres? How would students in the affected centres be compensated? These are logistical and management problems that JAMB has not thought through yet. Another problem is the capacity of JAMB to provide computers to thousands of students who will sit the examination.
Given the paucity of computers in secondary and tertiary education institutions in Nigeria, how realistic is it for JAMB to provide computers to approximately 616,574 candidates who have opted to sit the computer-based tests in May 2014, before the compulsory policy of computer-based testing kicks off in 2015. You can imagine the planning, management and technical nightmares that will confront JAMB in 2015 when more than one million candidates will be compelled to sit the examination, whether they like it or not.
JAMB must reconsider its thoughtless decision swiftly. You cannot hasten to adopt new technology simply because of the benefits the technology promises to offer. JAMB perceives computer technology as the basic tool to end examination malpractices of all kinds in the 21st century and beyond. How true is that? It is incontestable that computers have helped humanity to do things better, faster, more efficiently, more inventively, and in record time. These constitute the merits of new technology. But there is no evidence that computer-based testing will eliminate examination malpractices.
What JAMB has refused to consider is the extent of the availability of computers to students, in particular students from low socioeconomic background who suffer deprivations and lack of access to new technologies. It is not the fault of the students that they are based in rural locations or that the schools they attend are ill-equipped with appropriate technologies to help them to meet the challenges of the 21st century. JAMB has decided to take no notice of the circumstances of these students.
The introduction of computer technology as a replacement for the paper-and-pencil UTME test must be preceded by research to  inform how the new technology can transform secondary school students in an environment in which they are starved of access to computers. In the first instance, JAMB ought to consider whether computer-based tests will influence the performance of students from different social backgrounds.
How many secondary schools teach students basic courses in computer appreciation and use? Nigeria has all the resources to make computers available to students in primary and secondary schools. Unfortunately, that has not happened because of so many reasons such as lack of willingness on the part of government and the private sector to provide computers to schools, lack of training opportunities for teachers who will teach students basic computer knowledge, underfunding of schools, embezzlement of limited funds provided to schools, theft of school equipment, lack of basic infrastructure that will support the use of computers in schools such as uninterrupted electricity supply, subscription to Internet service providers, and so on.
Provision of computers to students should not be regarded as a favour or luxury. It is a right. Denying the students access to computers in their quest for knowledge is like depriving them their basic human right.
In the digital age driven by computer technology, Federal and state governments have an obligation to equip schools with the basic tools for the advancement of teaching and learning. Governments at federal and state levels must ensure that students in public schools have access to computers. Above all, students in secondary schools, including primary school students must be taught how to use computers to advance their education, to do assignments, to improve reading, writing and arithmetic skills, and to communicate with their colleagues.
While the rest of the world is exploiting new technologies for improvements in their socioeconomic conditions, we have opted to do things in the old manual way. During a research visit to one of the Nigerian universities in the late 1990s, I was stunned when I was informed by a senior university academic in a mass communication department that students in the department were taught email and Internet technology through drawing illustrations on the blackboard. I felt that was an extraordinary scandal. You can see that it is not only primary and secondary school students that suffer from lack of access to computers and the Internet. The problem is also amplified in universities.
Outside the universities, there are many people who graduated from computer training institutes and colleges but who lack access to computers.  However, a majority of the graduates have no personal computers. They also lack access to computers, other than the restricted access at Internet cafés. The Federal Government’s science and technology policy should aim to popularise computer access and use among students of all age groups, regardless of their socioeconomic background. The objective should be to reduce the digital divide between the technology “haves” and the technology “have-nots”.
More than three decades ago, Julius Nyerere, former president of Tanzania, painted a depressing picture of the African scene when he said that while the industrialised world was travelling to the moon with ease — as a result of their technological progress — African leaders were still grappling with the problem of how to reach their people in the villages.
What makes the Nigerian situation pitiable is that we have the financial, human and technical resources to harness new technologies but the political leaders have never regarded uptake of new technologies as a priority. This was why our science and technology policy was not rolled out until years after other countries had implemented their policies.
JAMB is jumping into uncharted waters by introducing computer-based testing of students seeking admission into universities. This innovative idea, praiseworthy as it might appear on paper, will be hard to implement in practice.
JAMB Registrar Dibu Ojerinde has argued that the introduction of computer-based testing was meant to “move forward education” in Nigeria. That argument can be rebutted on several grounds. You cannot move education forward midcourse. That movement ought to have started right from the primary school level through the introduction of courses in computer appreciation and skills.
The government and private sector have to encourage computer appreciation at the primary school level that will ensure that computers are provided to school children. School children should be taught the essentials of computer use. We must make sure that future generations of Nigerians grow up to appreciate and use computers to improve their lives. From this modest beginning, the introduction of computer-based testing at the university admission level will be easier to implement.
The JAMB registrar argued the computer-based tests will eliminate examination malpractices. There is no evidence to suggest that use of computers has helped to eliminate examination malpractices anywhere in the world. It could reduce the incidence but examination malpractices will exist in different forms. Students who are criminally-oriented will always devise new ways to cheat, regardless of computer technology.

Police Arrest Offa Poly Students for Robbery

Police Arrest Offa Poly Students for Robbery:
The Kwara State Police Command yesterday paraded seven suspected criminals who were arrested in the past one week.
The state Commissioner of Police, Ambrose Aisabo, said among the suspects, were four students of the Federal Polytechnic, Offa.
The police boss, who said one of the suspects was a neighbour to the victim, added that during interrogation the students confessed to be members of a cult group.
He gave names of the suspects as Olawuyi Babatunde, Osadahin Matthew, Bamikole Emmanuel and Adebisi.
“On April 18, 2014, at about 0015hrs at Atari area of Offa, while on raid of criminal hide-outs by officers of the command, the suspects were arrested after successfully robbing one Adeolu Emmanuel of his property including laptops, four assorted telephones, one deck with speakers and N30,000 cash.
On interrogation, the suspects confessed to be members of the Eiye cult group and also confessed to have been responsible for robberies around Offa and its environs in recent times”, the commissioner said. He added that the suspects would be charged to court once investigation into the matter is concluded.
The commissioner, who said the police also recovered two AK 47 rifles which were dropped by hoodlums in a bush near the polytechnic, expressed concern at the rate by which undergraduates of tertiary institutions in the state engage in armed robbery.
Last month, the state police command paraded some students of the College of Health Technology, Offa, for offences ranging from rape, cultism and armed robbery.

Education Stakeholders Doubts UTME Computer Based Version

Education Stakeholders Doubts UTME Computer Based Version:
jamb cbt
Stakeholders in education express uncertainty about the success of the computer-based examination introduced by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board, writes GBENGA ADENIJI
The unification of tests for candidates seeking admission into universities, colleges of education, polytechnics and institutes for entrepreneurship by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board a few years ago was well received by stakeholders, especially with the prompt release of results few days after the examinations.
Before the merger of the examinations under the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, candidates seeking admission into each category of the tertiary institutions used to take the applicable examination on separate days. But doubts have been raised about the success of the Computer-based Test being proposed by JAMB to begin fully next year.
The doubts have persisted despite assurances by JAMB’s Registrar, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, that the CBT was designed to “move forward education” in Nigeria.
A former Dean, Faculty of Education, Lagos State University, Prof. Ademola Onifade, who described the CBT as a good idea, said its challenge would be poor power supply. He pointed out that constant electricity drives computer-based initiatives.
He said, “If the board can guarantee constant electricity while the CBT lasts, there will be no problem. But if it will depend on the epileptic power supply in the country, the CBT will be a failure. It should be able to use reliable generators across all the centres where the CBT will hold ’’
The Education Rights Campaign, which blamed the problems plaguing education in Nigeria on government, stated that it would be impossible to make computers available to all the candidates that will take the examination at the same time.
The National Coordinator of ERC, Mr. Hassan Taiwo, noted that not all candidates have access to computers. He added that the introduction of the computer-based examination would put some candidates at a disadvantage.
It stated, “The education sector is underfunded and enshrined in perennial crises because government is not doing enough for the sector. The CBT should be made optional so that candidates who are not computer literate can take the examination without using the computer. If it is not made optional, it will have a backlash on the performance of candidates who cannot use the computer adequately.”
Also, the Chairman, Academic Staff Union of Universities, Enugu State University of Science and Technology branch, Prof. Gabriel Agwu, said the introduction of the computer-based examination was a progressive step but would require a reexamination considering the nation’s power sector.
He said the examination should be made optional because candidates in rural areas would not have access to technology like their counterparts in urban centres.  According to him, there are a lot of things that should be considered before the introduction of the computer-based examination by the board.
“For those who are in urban areas, it may be easy for them to take examination via computer because of their exposure to technology but candidates in rural areas may find it difficult to take the computer-based examination. They cannot get a modem and attach it to a mango tree,” Agwu said.
A candidate, Seyi Daramola, said her inability to purchase a scratch card on time to register for the Paper-Pencil Test made her enroll for the CBT. Describing her competence in the use of computer as poor, Daramola added that she was currently learning how to use it effectively in order to finish the examination within the stipulated time and perform better.
She stated, ‘‘I got the card late and when I wanted to register, the available examination for the UTME was the computer-based exam. I know that the Post-UTME in the university I chose will be done through computer but I cannot compare the tension of taking a Post-UTME with the UTME. I will not want to take the UTME through computer if I have my way. But the way it is now, I have no choice. I am not good at using the computer.’’
Another candidate who simply identified herself as Gloria, said it was a good thing JAMB introduced the CBT examination but she was of the view that some candidates would be used as ‘guinea pigs’ until the system stabilises.
In the PPT examination conducted last Saturday, some candidates in some centres in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State were  reportedly given papers which they didn’t choose.
Specifically, at Four Town Secondary School, Uyo, some science candidates were reportedly given arts papers while some candidates who registered for arts subjects were given science papers to write.
The supervisor of the centre, Dr. Maria Afangide said the situation was caused by the misplacement of numbers by the candidates.
About 616,574 candidates are expected to take the CBT next month. The PPT was written by 1,015,504 candidates last Saturday.
Ojerinde told the News Agency of Nigeria that the computer-based test would hold on May 17, 2014, across 3,000 centres.
He said, ‘‘The CBT will start on May 17, and it will continue for 12 days. We are prepared. We have 300 centres for CBT. This is the last time we are going to do Paper-Pencil Test; it will be all CBT next year, we want education to move forward, one of the ways of moving it forward is to eradicate examination malpractices.’’
Ojerinde also said the CBT was designed to help Nigeria’s move to join the comity of nations in technology development.
According to him, the choice of the CBT was to curb exam malpractices, release results at the same time and encourage candidates to prepare adequately.
“Our experience last year showed that the CBT candidates passed better than the PPT ones; there was no single examination malpractice, there was no missing result and answer script,” he said.
The registrar added that that the CBT would check problems related to cost and delay experienced by candidates seeking admission through Post-JAMB tests. Ojerinde added that it was impossible for an applicant to register for both PPT and CBT. (Punch)



Here is the free sample Questions and Answers of the recent 2014 ADDAX/NNPC Scholarship Past Questions and Answers.
Study it and Win the 2014 Addax/NNPC Scholarship Award worth N100,000 yearly.
Here is a free sample question of the NNPC/ADDAX Scholarship aptitude test/Exam
The exam is made up three different sections QRLT… Qauntitative Reasoning and Logic Test covers two sections
The other is Arithmetic, Current affairs, Analogy.
Here is a sample of the sections
INSTRUCTION: In each of the questions below, the first two words written in bold letters have a definite relationship.
Choose one word out of the given four options which will fill in the bank space and show the same relationship with the third word as between the first two.
The first one is done for you.
Wool: Warmth   A. Spring: Elasticity B. Marketing: Advertising C. Person: Success D. Radio: Broadcaster
Answer = A Spring: Elasticity
Now do the following
1. Joy: Euphoria  (a) Poverty: Wealth (b) Melancholy: Depression (c) Sorrow: Joy (d) Noise: Pollution
2. Teeth: Density (a) Legs: Philanthropist (b) Eyes: Oculist (c) Operation: Surgeon (d) Sight: Spectator
3. Taxonomist: Classify  (a) Haggler: Bargain (b) Doctor: Medicine (c) Kind: Alms (d) Engineer: Building
4. Botany: Plants  (a) Ornithology: Eggs (b) Concology: Fossils (c) Pathology: Man (d) Entomology: Insects
5. Calligraphy: Writing (a) Music: Song (b) Lyric: Poem (c) Drama: Prose (d) Chapter: Stanza
6. Dexterous: Clumsy  (a) Sheer: Transparent (b) Browse: Look (c) Blame: Criticize (d) Pessimist: Hopeful
7. Silence: Noise (a) Baldness: Hair (b) Sing: Dance (c) Quit: Peace (d) Talk: Whisper
8.Knowledge: Ignorance  (a) Cure: health (b) Conceal: hide (c) Breath: suffocate (d) Construction: war
9. Dislike: repulsion (a) Dream: sleep (b) Steal: crime (c) Reputation: behavior (d) Intelligence: wit
Over 190 Analogy test Questions and Answers are contained in our Past Questions and Answers.
Time allowed: 15minutes
Instruction:  For the options lettered A-D, choose the one which best explains the meaning of the idiom/phrase in italics in the sentence.
1. Dowery is a burning question of the day (a) Relevant problem (b) Dying issue (c) An irrelevant problem (d) A widely debated issue
2. When I saw him in the morning, he looked like a duck in a thunder storm (a) Timid (b) Peaceful (c) Distressed (d) Indomitable
3. I am afraid the two brothers are at cross purposes (a) Quarrelling with each other (b) Dislike each other (c) Are working against each other (d) Are misunderstanding each other
4. He fell ill at ease after receiving the letter from his son (a) Disturbed (b) Relieved (c) Embarrassed

Find Logical Reasoning sample below.

Question 12-15
Six people, Alan, Betty, Charles, David, Elmer, and Faith. Compete in a cooking contest at the country fair. Their finishing positions at the contest are as following 
i. Alan  finishes neither first nor last
ii. Betty finishes ahead of both Charles and David
iii. Elmer finishes in third place 
12. Which of the following could be the finishing order?
(a) Betty, Faith, Elmer, Alan, David, Charles
(b) Betty, Elmer, Charles, David, Alan, Faith
(c) Alan, Faith, Elmer, Betty, Charles, David
(d)Faith, Charles, Elmer, Betty, Alan, David
(e) Betty, Faith, Elmer, Charles, David.
13. All of the following could be a complete and accurate list of the finishing order of the six contestants EXCEPT.
(a) Betty, Faith, Elmer, Alan, David, Charles
(b) Betty, Alan, Elmer, Faith, Charles, David
(c) Faith, Alan, Elmer, David, Charles, Betty
(d)Faith, Betty, Elmer, Alan, Charles, David
(e) Betty, David, Elmer, Charles, Alan, Faith.
14. Which of the following is a complete and accurate list of all contestants who could finish first?
(a)   Betty or Elmer
(b)   Betty or Faith
(c)   Betty, Charles, or David
(d)  Betty, Charles, or Faith
(e)   Betty, Charles, David.
15. Which of the contestants could finish either first or last?
(a) Betty
(b) Charles
(c) David
(d) Elme
(e) Faith
FOR MORE INFO CALL: 08031880810


Sultan Of Sokoto Plans To Establish ”All Women” University

Sultan Of Sokoto Plans To Establish ”All Women” University

The Sultan of Sokoto, Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad
Abubakar, Saturday said the Sultanate Council
was committed to the education of the girl-child,
debunking the notion that Islam is against the
education of women.

He also disclosed that preparations had reached advanced stage for the establishment of All-Women University of Medical Sciences in Sokoto state.Speaking at the launch of three books on womenscholars of the Caliphate authored by Dr. Sadiyya Bello of Usman Danfodio University, Sokoto, the monarch maintained that Islam encourages women to acquire education, contrary to insinuations that the religion abhors women
acquiring education.He noted the contributions of women scholars of the Caliphate and called on scholars to engage in research on the works of past leaders of the Sokoto Caliphate for the benefit of the society. The monarch said it was in view of the commitment to the publication of work of past leaders of the Caliphate, that the Sultanate Council was currently publishing the works of Shehu Usman Danfodio, Abdullahi Fodio and Muhammad Bello in Cairo, Egypt which would be distributed free to people in the country. He asserted that the Sultanate Council would continue to accord priority to the education of women, as its acquisition was key in the new economy. The monarch said the All Women University for Medical Sciences, when established, would provide opportunity for women to study medical sciences to qualify as a doctor, describing it as a veritable step towards educating women in the society. According to him, It would be a unique university that would be the first of its kind in Nigeria and would admit only women. The Sultan pointed out that the groundwork for the initiative had commenced in earnest, adding that the blueprint for the proposed Women University of Medical Sciences would be out before the end of the year .In a remark, wife of Vice President, Hajia Amina Namadi Sambo, described the books as a veritable source of knowledge and a must read for all Nigerians. She expressed delight that the author had brought to limelight the contributions and works of Nana Asmau and women scholars of the Caliphate, which were relevant to the
society. In her remarks, the author of the three books, Dr. Omar, said the books were the documentation of
works of great women scholars of the Caliphate in the 29th century such as Nana Asmau, Modibo Kilo, among others. Over N24.8 million was realised during the launch of the books.


JAMB UTME: Uncertainties Trail Planned CBT Exam

JAMB UTME: Uncertainties Trail Planned CBT Exam

The unification of tests for candidates seeking admission into universities, colleges of education, polytechnics and institutes for entrepreneurship by the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board a few years ago was well received by stakeholders, especially with the prompt release of results few days after the examinations.
Before the merger of the examinations under the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination, candidates seeking admission into each category of the tertiary institutions used to take the applicable examination on separate days. But doubts have been raised about the success of the Computer-based Test being proposed by JAMB to begin fully next year.
The doubts have persisted despite assurances by JAMB’s Registrar, Prof. Dibu Ojerinde, that the CBT was designed to “move forward education” in Nigeria.
A former Dean, Faculty of Education, Lagos State University, Prof. Ademola Onifade, who described the CBT as a good idea, said its challenge would be poor power supply. He pointed out that constant electricity drives computer-based initiatives.
He said, “If the board can guarantee constant electricity while the CBT lasts, there will be no problem. But if it will depend on the epileptic power supply in the country, the CBT will be a failure. It should be able to use reliable generators across all the centres where the CBT will hold ’’
The Education Rights Campaign, which blamed the problems plaguing education in Nigeria on government, stated that it would be impossible to make computers available to all the candidates that will take the examination at the same time.
The National Coordinator of ERC, Mr. Hassan Taiwo, noted that not all candidates have access to computers. He added that the introduction of the computer-based examination would put some candidates at a disadvantage.
It stated, “The education sector is underfunded and enshrined in perennial crises because government is not doing enough for the sector. The CBT should be made optional so that candidates who are not computer literate can take the examination without using the computer. If it is not made optional, it will have a backlash on the performance of candidates who cannot use the computer adequately.”
Also, the Chairman, Academic Staff Union of Universities, Enugu State University of Science and Technology branch, Prof. Gabriel Agwu, said the introduction of the computer-based examination was a progressive step but would require a reexamination considering the nation’s power sector.
He said the examination should be made optional because candidates in rural areas would not have access to technology like their counterparts in urban centres.  According to him, there are a lot of things that should be considered before the introduction of the computer-based examination by the board.
“For those who are in urban areas, it may be easy for them to take examination via computer because of their exposure to technology but candidates in rural areas may find it difficult to take the computer-based examination. They cannot get a modem and attach it to a mango tree,” Agwu said.
A candidate, Seyi Daramola, said her inability to purchase a scratch card on time to register for the Paper-Pencil Test made her enroll for the CBT. Describing her competence in the use of computer as poor, Daramola added that she was currently learning how to use it effectively in order to finish the examination within the stipulated time and perform better.
She stated, ‘‘I got the card late and when I wanted to register, the available examination for the UTME was the computer-based exam. I know that the Post-UTME in the university I chose will be done through computer but I cannot compare the tension of taking a Post-UTME with the UTME. I will not want to take the UTME through computer if I have my way. But the way it is now, I have no choice. I am not good at using the computer.’’
Another candidate who simply identified herself as Gloria, said it was a good thing JAMB introduced the CBT examination but she was of the view that some candidates would be used as ‘guinea pigs’ until the system stabilises.
In the PPT examination conducted last Saturday, some candidates in some centres in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State were  reportedly given papers which they didn’t choose.
Specifically, at Four Town Secondary School, Uyo, some science candidates were reportedly given arts papers while some candidates who registered for arts subjects were given science papers to write.
The supervisor of the centre, Dr. Maria Afangide said the situation was caused by the misplacement of numbers by the candidates.
About 616,574 candidates are expected to take the CBT next month. The PPT was written by 1,015,504 candidates last Saturday.
Ojerinde told the News Agency of Nigeria that the computer-based test would hold on May 17, 2014, across 3,000 centres.
He said, ‘‘The CBT will start on May 17, and it will continue for 12 days. We are prepared. We have 300 centres for CBT. This is the last time we are going to do Paper-Pencil Test; it will be all CBT next year, we want education to move forward, one of the ways of moving it forward is to eradicate examination malpractices.’’
Ojerinde also said the CBT was designed to help Nigeria’s move to join the comity of nations in technology development.
According to him, the choice of the CBT was to curb exam malpractices, release results at the same time and encourage candidates to prepare adequately.
“Our experience last year showed that the CBT candidates passed better than the PPT ones; there was no single examination malpractice, there was no missing result and answer script,” he said.
The registrar added that that the CBT would check problems related to cost and delay experienced by candidates seeking admission through Post-JAMB tests. Ojerinde added that it was impossible for an applicant to register for both PPT and CBT.


JAMB CBT Practice Software Online []

JAMB CBT Practice Software Online (e-testing)

JAMB CBT Practice software portal (online test) has been moved to The Computer-based Testing (CBT) portal was previously located at Many users who have been following the link we provided in one of our old posts have complained that the CBT Portal has refused to open.
We started digging deep for the new JAMB CBT practice test software online and came across the new portal. We must however let you know that to use this new CBT portal is not free.

How To Use The Online JAMB CBT Practice Website

You can buy online jamb practice test cbt e-pins from accredited vendors and individuals. However, if you registered for the JAMB 2014 UTME, you can access this cbt test site with your current jamb registration number.
You can download and watch this video to see a demonstration of how to use the Computer-based Testing practice site —

New Registration Instructions

1. All registered jamb candidates for the year 2014, irrespective of your choice, weather paper and pencil or computer base testing (CBT) are hereby advised to use their current jamb registration number to access this cbt test portal from all jamb site.
By clicking  on cbt practice portal, look at the top right corner, you will see login-here. Click on it to see the drop down, click on register and wait for registration form, type in your current jamb registration number in place of scratch card number
Remember the username and password you used while filling the registration form, after filling the form click register and it will tell you registration successful.
2. look top right, click on log-in here again to see the drop down and type-in your username and password you used in filling in the registration form, you see why you must remember the username and password used in your registration, then click login and register yourself into your subjects combination accordingly, you will have access to the cbt practice portal for 48hours (2days) one-off, it is an additional incentive to your 2014 jamb registration. Please, after each subject test wait for reviewer page for more explanation on every answer.
The advantage of this practice cbt test portal is not only for those that opted for CBT examination but for all jamb candidates. Good Luck.


Nigerian Student Killed In Ghana: Police Arrests Suspects

Nigerian Student Killed In Ghana: Police Arrests Suspects

Police Arrests Suspects in relation to Nigerian Student Killed In Ghana — The parents of a Nigerian student killed in Ghana say they have been told that the police have made headway in the investigations of the suspected murder of their son.
The body of Godwin Ayogu, 19, a 300-level student of Cape Coast University, Ghana, was found on campus ground, disemboweled, and with stab wounds.
His mother, Mrs Lilian Ayogu, told Channels Television on Monday, that they were shocked when the Nigerian High Commission in Ghana, who has been working with the Ghanaian Police, told them that some suspects arrested by the police were Nigerians.
“Last week, the Nigerian Ambassador over there said that they have made some headway. He said that they got some guys and that the funniest part was that they are all Nigerians. Most of the guys they got were his friends.
“One person had earlier questioned why Godwin’s friends were on the run after his death,” she said.
Mrs Ayogu said that she was told investigations were still ongoing.
After receiving several reports on the killing of Nigerians students abroad, the House of Representatives Committee on Diaspora, headed by Abike Dabiri- Erewa, said it would probe the killings.
The committee and another on Justice and Foreign Affairs were mandated to conduct a public hearing on the issue and submit their reports to the house. 


Boko Haram: Bauchi State Governor Orders Evacuation Of Students

Boko Haram: Bauchi State Governor Orders  Evacuation Of Students

The Bauchi State Governor, Mallam Isa Yuguda, has ordered the evacuation of 200 students from Government Girls Secondary School, Yana.
This followed the attack on the school by gunmen located in Yana, Shira Local Government Area of Bauchi State, last Sunday, which led to the death of a five-year-old girl.
Commissioner for Education, Alhaji Ibrahim Aminu, told newsmen on Monday that the students were evacuated to enable the school authorities carry out renovation work on the building burnt down during the attack.
He said, “The state government ordered the evacuation of the students to enable renovation work on the buildings destroyed, but the evacuation is temporary because they will only stay away for three weeks.
“The only students in the school now are the final year students writing WAEC because the JSS 1-3 and SSS 1-2 are on break so we want to use this period to renovate the destroyed buildings to enable them learn in conducive environment when they resume.”
The commissioner denied insinuation that the evacuation of the students was connected to the attack launched in the area on Sunday, assuring that adequate security measures have been put in place by the state government to ensure the security of not only the students of the school, but all the schools in the state. Source: Punch Newspaper

Latest Updates From Hypetscholars

UNILAG Final Year Students JAMB Admission Letter Collection

University of Lagos (UNILAG) final year students who are yet to collect their admission letters from JAMB are implored to contact the Admissions Office of the University or pay the sum of N5, 000 into UNILAG CAC Account Number- 1963005928 at Eco Bank and thereafter, go to Students’ Affairs Division, UNILAG with:
(a) The original copy of the teller;
(b) JAMB results sheet (copy);
(c) School Certificate Result (copy).
Final year students in this category are to complete a form that will aid the processing of the admission letter at JAMB Office, Abuja.
The deadline for submission of the form is Wednesday, April 30, 2014.
Please note that possession of admission letter is a strong condition for NYSC mobilization.
All the best!!!


Friday, 18 April 2014


MTN Nigeria invites application from suitably qualified candidates for the 2014 scholarship programme, interested qualified candidates should apply.Apply For MTN Nigeria 2014 Undergraduate Scholarship Awards

Please read carefully before completing this form. Be sure that the information you provide is accurate.

  • Applicants from public Universities and Colleges of Education in Nigeria must be full time undergraduates in 200 level/2nd year.
  • Applicants from public Universities and Colleges of Education must have a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) score of 3.5 or its equivalent (2:1)
  • Applicants from public Polytechnics must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 (upper credit) from the Ordinary National Diploma (OND) programme and must have secured admission into the Higher National Diploma programme (HND).
  • Direct entry level students must have a minimum Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 (upper credit) from the OND programme and must have secured admission into 200 level/2nd year in a public University
  • Current Beneficiaries of the MTN Foundation Science & Technology Scholarship award are not eligible to apply
  • The MTN Foundation reserves the right to cancel or suspend a scholarship award if it is discovered that an applicant /awardee provided false information.
  • Names of successful candidates will be published in National Dailies
  • Closing date for receipt of application is 4th May, 2014.
  • Please note that all information provided will be verified and persons with fraudulent information will be held accountable.
  • Please note the ¿Application Url¿ is the only mode of application
    • Accountancy/Accounting
    • Agric. Extension and Rural Development
    • Agricultural Science
    • Agronomy
    • Animal Breeding and Genetics
    • Animal Nutrition
    • Animal Production and Health
    • Aquaculture and Fisheries Management
    • Applied Physics
    • Architecture
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Computer and Electronics
    • Computer and Information Science
    • Computer and Mathematics
    • Computer Engineering
    • Computer Science
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Electrical/Electronics Engineering
    • Electronics and Computer Technology
    • Electronics Engineering
    • Engineering Physics
    • Industrial Mathematics
    • Industrial Physics
    • Information Technology
    • Mathematics
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
    • Petroleum and Gas Engineering
    • Physics Electronics
    • Geophysics
    • Physics/ Computational Modeling
    • Pure/ Applied Physics
    • Statistics
    • Statistics and Computer Science
    • System Engineering
    We wish to emphasize that all applicants must accept these terms and conditions in order to complete the application.
    Click Here To Apply Online

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

NMG-NUST Joint Scholarship Program for International Students in China

NMG-NUST Joint Scholarship Program for International Students in China

Nanjing University

Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST) and Nanjing Government have jointly set up the scholarship program commencing from 2014 outstanding international students. The scholarship is applied for on a yearly basis. 30 students will be selected for Type A scholarships, 40 students for type B scholarships and 30 students will be selected for type C scholarships. Students who are granted the type A scholarship will be exempted from application fee, tuition, lodging expenses and medical insurances. Students who are granted the type B scholarship will be exempted from application fee, tuition and medical insurances. Students who are granted the type C scholarship will be exempted application fee, medical insurances and part of tuition. All three types of scholarships include monthly allowances. The application deadline is May 31, 2014.
Study Subject: Scholarships are awarded to learn any of the courses offered at Nanjing University of Science and Technology.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD degree at Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST).
Scholarship ProviderNanjing Government and Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST)
Scholarship can be taken atChina
- Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens who are in good health.
- Education background and age limit
- Applicants for undergraduate programs must have senior high school diploma when register and be under the age of 28.
- Applicants for master degree program must have bachelor degree when register and be under the age of 35.
- Applicants for doctoral degree program must have master degree when register and be under the age of 40.
- Agree to obey the relevant laws of the PRC and meet the admission requirements of the host university.
- Applicants must have a good academic record and merits.
- Applicants should not be the awardees of other scholarships offered by Chinese government or local governments at the same time.
Scholarship Open for Students of Following Countries: International students can apply for these scholarships.
Scholarship Description: Scholarship student’s affairs are managed according to the relevant regulations of NJMG-NUST Joint Scholarship. Scholarship students must go through the Annual Review of the NJMG-NUST Joint Scholarship Status. Scholarship will be terminated if the student fails to fulfill the requirements. Applicants can submit the application materials to the School of International Education, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, by post mail or in person.
Number of award(s): 30 students will be selected for Type A scholarships, 40 students for type B scholarships and 30 students will be selected for type C scholarships.
Duration of award(s): The scholarship duration is as follows:
- Bachelor Degree Students: 3-4 years
- Master Degree Students: 2 years
- Doctoral Degree Students: 3 years
What does it cover? Three types of scholarships will be awarded as follows:
-Type A (full scholarship with stipend each year): Students who are granted the type A scholarship will be exempted from application fee, tuition, lodging expenses and medical insurances. The recipients will enjoy monthly living allowance from approximately 1690 RMB (about 280) to 2160 RMB (about 360) respectively for postgraduate students, 1,650 RMB (about 270) to 2,400 RMB (about 392) respectively for PhD students and 1,650 RMB (about 270) to 2,400 RMB (about 392) respectively for undergraduate students and it depends.
-Type B (partial scholarship with stipend each year): Students who are granted the type B scholarship will be exempted from application fee, tuition and medical insurances. Whether the recipients themselves are needed to cover insufficient fees listed above or enjoy living allowance (CNY 30,000 RMB 4895 for postgraduate students, CNY 40,000 RMB 6527 for PhD students and CNY 20,000 RMB 3270 for undergraduate students), it depends on the individual specific situation.
-Type C (partial scholarship with stipend each year): Students who are granted the type C scholarship will be exempted application fee, medical insurances and part of tuition. And the recipients are needed to cover the rest insufficient fees themselves. The allowance is CNY 15,000 RMB 2448 for postgraduate students, CNY 20,000 RMB 3264 for PhD students and for CNY 10,000 RMB 1630 undergraduate students.
Selection Criteria: All scholarship recipients should participate in the Scholarship Annual Assessment. The International Student Office will conduct a comprehensive review of the scholarship recipients’ academic performance, learning attitude, attendance, behavior, rewards or punishment received in June each year. In terms of academic performance, the recipients are required to achieve the minimum grades.
Notification: The result will be published on the university website in June 30, 2014 and sent to applicants via E-mail (please ensure your email address is correct).
How to Apply: Applicants can submit the application materials to the School of International Education, Nanjing University of Science & Technology, by post mail or in person. Applicants must provide the following documents (each in duplicate):
- Application Form for Nanjing Municipal Government – Nanjing University of Science & Technology Joint Scholarship Program for International Student (download: application form from the official website) filled in Chinese or in English.
- Photocopy of the applicant’s passport.
- Highest diploma (notarized photocopy). If applicants are university students, they must also provide documents showing their status as university students or School Transfer Certificate. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translation in Chinese or in English.
- Applicants for doctoral studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate and graduate transcripts.
- Applicants for master degree studies need to provide notarized copies of their undergraduate transcripts.
- Applicants for bachelor degree studies need to provide notarized copies of their high school transcripts.
Scholarship Application DeadlineThe application deadline is May 31, 2014.

Korean Government Scholarship Program for International Graduate Students in Korea

Applications are invited for Korean Government Scholarship program for graduate students. The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenship. Up to 880 scholarships will be awarded for pursuing master and PhD studies at participating Universities in Korea as designated by NIIED. After the Korean language course, the scholarship period of degree course (2 years of master’s or 3 years of doctoral) cannot be extended beyond the designated duration. The selection process for applicants will proceed in three steps. Applicants must be selected by the institution he or she is applying through (a Korean embassy or a designated university).
Study Subject (s): Applicants must choose their field of study from the listed programs in the University Information section provided by participating universities.
Course Level: Scholarships are available for pursuing master and PhD degree at Participating Universities in Korea.
Scholarship Provider: Korean government
Scholarship can be taken at: Korea 
Eligibility: The applicant and his/her parents must have foreign citizenship.
Applicants who hold Korean citizenship are not permitted to apply for this program.
-Applicants should be in good health, both mentally and physically, to stay in Korea for an extended period of time.
-Applicants must submit the Personal Medical Assessment (included in the application form) when he/she apply for this program, and when it’s orientation, an Official Medical Examination will be done by NIIED. A serious illness (For example, HIV, Drug, etc) will be the main cause of disqualification from the scholarship.
-The handicapped who satisfy the above are also eligible for the program.
-Applicants must be under 40 years of age as of Sep. 1st, 2014 (born after Sep. 1st, 1974).
-Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree as of August 31st, 2014.
-Applicants who apply for the Master’s program must hold a Bachelor’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Bachelor’s degree.
-Applicants who apply for the Doctoral program must hold a Master’s degree or a diploma that is equivalent to or higher than a Master’s degree.
-Applicants who are expecting to obtain the relevant required degree or diploma by August 31st, 2014 must submit a certificate of degree or diploma expectation, and submit the official certificate of degree or diploma to NIIED by August 31st, 2014. (If not, disqualified for this program).
-Applicants must maintain a grade point average (G.P.A.) of at least 2.64 on a 4.0 scale, 2.80 on a 4. 3 scale, 2.91 on a 4.5 scale, or grades/marks/score of 80% or higher from the previously attended institution.
-If an applicant does not satisfy the above GPA criteria, he/she will be disqualified from applying to this program.
-If the transcript is not indicated in grades/marks/scores format, or is difficult to convert into percentages, attachment of official explanation from the attended institution is required.
-Applicants who have Korean proficiency or English proficiency may be given preference.
-Applicants who apply for natural science and technology program may be given preference.
-Applicants who are university professors currently in the developing countries may be given preference.
Scholarship Open for International Students: Students of United States, China, Indonesia, Japan, Russia, Vietnam, Bulgaria, Ecuador, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar, Turkey, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Ghana, India, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Cambodia, Cote d’Ivoire, Denmark, El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy, Kuwait, Laos, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Norway, Oman, Panama, Peru, Serbia, Taiwan, Thailand, The United Kingdom, Tunisia, Uganda, Venezuela, Argentina, Belgium, Botswana, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Fiji, Finland, France, Georgia, Hungary, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Malawi, Namibia, Nepal, Republic of South Africa, Rwanda, Senegal, Singapore, Sudan, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Yemen, Zambia, Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Barbados, Belarus, Benin, Bolivia, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada(Quebec), Central African Republic, Costa Rica, Croatia, Czech Republic, Djibouti, Dominica, Equatorial Guinea, Estonia, Gabon, Gambia, Greenland, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iran, Ireland, Kenya, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Montenegro, Mozambique, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Niger, Palestine, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of the Congo, Republic of Seychelles, Romania, Sao Tome Principe, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Solomon Islands, Somalia, Spain, Suriname, Swaziland, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, the Bahamas, the United Arab Emirates, Togo, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, Uruguay and Zimbabwe can apply for the Korean Government Scholarship Program.
Scholarship Description: The Korean Government Scholarship Program is designed to provide higher education in Korea for international students, with the aim of promoting international exchange in education, as well as mutual friendship amongst the participating countries.
Number of award(s): Up to 880 scholarships will be awarded.
Duration of award(s): The duration of Korean Government Scholarship Program for graduate students is as follows:
-Master’s (01.09.2014 ~ 31.08.2017): 1 yr. of Korean language + 2 yrs of Master’s
-Doctoral (01.09.2014 ~ 31.08.2018): 1yr. of Korean language + 3 yrs of Doctoral
After the Korean language course, the scholarship period of degree course (2 years of master’s or 3 years of doctoral) cannot be extended beyond the designated duration. In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level that is higher than 5, he or she is exempted from the Korean language course; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral). In the case that a scholar possesses a TOPIK Level 5 or 6, he or she must be exempted from the Korean language course and must start his/her academic course of Master or Doctoral degree; the exempted period will be deducted from the total scholarship period (2 years for master’s or 3 years for doctoral).
What does it cover? Korean Government Scholarship Program for graduate students will include:
-Airfare: Round-trip economy class ticket.
-Airfare for entry will not be provided to scholars who already currently live in Korea for academic study or employment.
-The fees for domestic travel within a scholar’s home country and for travel insurance to and from Korea will not be provided.
-Scholars from China and the Czech Republic will not be provided airfare by NIIED, but by their country of origin according to the mutual agreements.
-Monthly Allowance: 900,000 won (KRW) per month.
-Research Allowance: 210,000 won for scholars in the humanities and social sciences; 240,000 won for scholars in natural and mechanic sciences, per semester.
-Relocation (Settlement) Allowance: 200,000 won upon arrival (only for scholars from their own country, not for scholars who already currently live in Korea)
-Language Training Fee: Full coverage
-Tuitions: All admission fees are waived by the host institution (university). The tuition is paid by NIIED.
-Dissertation Printing Costs: 500,000 ~ 800,000 won, depending on the actual costs.
-Medical Insurance: 20,000 won per month will be provided (limited coverage).
-Special funding for scholars who are proficient in the Korean language (TOPIK Level 5 or 6): 100,000 won per month (commencing from the degree program)
Selection Criteria: The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of all documents including transcript, self-introduction, study plan, certificates of language proficiency (Korean and English), recommendations, published papers and awards, etc.
Selection Procedure: The selection process for applicants will proceed in three steps.
-Firstly, applicants must be selected by the institution he or she is applying through (a Korean embassy, or a designated university). Each 1st selection institution will draft a selections standard based on the criteria provisioned by NIIED, and recommend the best applicants according to its respective standards.
-Secondly, The NIIED Selection Committee will select the most successful candidates from the pool of applicants recommended by the 1st selection institutions.
-Finally, Only the candidates who were recommended by a Korean embassy and passed the 2nd selection successfully will be evaluated for admission by the 3 universities to which they applied; each candidate has to gain admission from at least one university.
Notification: Final Successful Candidates will be announced by 17th June 2014.
How to Apply: Applicants have to apply for this program via either an embassy or a designated university. Overseas Korean adoptees have to apply only via an embassy if their countries are allotted the adoptee quotas.
-Applicants (including Korean adoptees) who apply for this program via Korean Embassies must choose 3 desired universities out of the 60 universities listed.
- Applicants who apply for this program via the designated universities may choose only 1 desired university out of the 60 universities listed.
Scholarship Application Deadline: The date set forth by the 1st Selection Institutions within March 2014 (Application Period: Feb.3rd ~ Mar. 31st (decided by the 1st Selection Institution). Deadline for the recommendation of candidates to NIIED by the 1st Selection Institutions is April 11th, 2014. If the respective 1st Selection Institutions do not submit their candidates’ documents to NIIED on time, they will be excluded from the examination of NIIED Selection Committee, and their quotas will be substituted by the other 1st Institutions’ reserve candidates.

UTME Cut-off Marks 2014/2015 For Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges

UTME Cut-off Marks 2014/2015 For Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges

JAMB 2014 UTME Cut-off Marks for 2014/2015 session admission into Universities, Polytechnics, Colleges of Education, Monotechnics, etc. is the reason for this post. JAMB Cut-off marks for 2014 may be released after CBT candidates write their exam and results of the examination (both PPT and CBT) released.
UTME Cut-off Marks 2014/2015
Last year, the Federal Government released standard cut-off marks to be used by Federal and State Universities, Polytechnics and Colleges.  So, what is the cutoff mark for jamb 2014?

The UTME cut-off points used last year are:

Cutoff mark for Federal Universities is 180

Cut-off marks for Colleges of Education,

Polytechnics, and

other degree-awarding institutions is 150.

We will not be surprised if the same cut off marks are used by schools to invite candidates for their Post-UTME this 2014/15 session. Whatever marks were chosen, we will definitely inform you here when the FG in collaboration with the board of JAMB release the list of cutoff marks.  
Note that these cutoff marks are just the minimum for institutions. Each institution can decide to raise the bar.
For example, Universities like UNILAG, OAU may decide that their cut-off mark is 200, even though the Government recommended 180. You can check a list of the Post-UTME marks used by all institutions last session.
                                                         GOOD LUCK!


ASUP/COEASU Strike: FG Insists on No Work, No Pay

ASUP/COEASU Strike: FG Insists on

             No Work, No Pay

FG is insisting on “No Work, No Pay” For ASUP/COEASU members who are on strike — The Federal Government has insisted that it would not be blackmailed into stopping the “no work, no pay” policy against striking workers of the Academic Staff Union of Polytechnic (ASUP) and the Colleges of Education Staff Union (COESU).
This is as the Committee of Provosts of Colleges of Education, appealed to the government to intensify efforts to resolve the five months strike by the academic and non academic staff of the CoE.
The Supervising Minister of Education, Mr.  Nyesom Wike, speaking during a courtesy visit of the Provosts to his office in Abuja Friday, said it would be unfair to continue to use taxpayer’s monies to pay the salaries of the striking workers.
“…believe that you can go on strike and your salary would continue. You are happy, collecting your salary when you are not working. We take other taxpayers’ money, and you are smiling to the bank,” he said.
Wike disclosed that he received a letter from ASUP where the union allegedly noted that since the policy did not work with their counterparts in the Universities, it would not work with them.
“Government is serious this period on ‘No work, No pay’. Issue of blackmailing government every time, it will no longer work,” he said and added that the unions could not continue to insist that things must be done their own way.
He also described as blackmail, comments credited to leaders of the striking unions that the government was not making efforts to resolve the strike.
The Minister listed some of the efforts that have already been made by the government to resolve the strike in relation to the demands of the unions.
He lamented that ASUP has refused to allow the government pay the salary arrears for the migration to CONTISS 15 in two instalments.
“There was no time we paid all the monies to ASUU at once,” he said, adding that the monies for the revitalisation of infrastructure in universities did not go into the coffers of ASUU.
“There must be negotiations. We have tried, we have made efforts, and the unions cannot insist things must be done their own way. That is extremism,” he said.
Speaking earlier, the Chairman of the Provosts Committee, Dr. Ezoem Ignatius Nwanze said the strike in the CoE have grounded the sector and turned their campuses into graveyards.
He noted that the committee has also made efforts to talk with the unions who have instead accused them  (Provosts) of sabotage and of being government agents.
“We know what you are doing already, but we want you to resolve this issue once and for all,  so that the unions would not feel like second class citizens,” Nwanze said. Source: ThisDay Newspaper


Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation Scholarship 2013/2014

Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation Scholarship 2013/2014


The Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation (SABMF) – Established in 2009 by the friends, associates and well-wishers of Sir Ahmadu Bello, the late Premier of the defunct Northern Region and Sardauna of Sokoto in collaboration with the governments of the 19 northern states of Nigeria to promote the exemplary ideals and legacy of Sir Ahmadu Bello. SABMF focal areas are Education, Health, Agriculture, Leadership and Good Governance, Entrepreneurship Development, Peace and Security.
As part of its focus on the advancement of education in Northern Nigeria, the Foundation provides financial support for 190 eligible undergraduates and Higher National Diploma students of Northern Nigeria origin in accredited public universities and polytechnics in Nigeria annually through the award of scholarships.
Applications are hereby invited for the 2013/2014 session and successful applicants will receive their awards during the 2013/2014 academic session. The scholarship is available to qualified and successful applicants of northern state origin who gained admission into 100 level (through IME), 200 levels (through Direct Entry) for degree and HND 1 programme in the 2013/2014 academic session and have commenced their studies.

Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation (SABMF) Scholarship for Undergraduate and Higher National Diploma Studies 2013/2014 Academic Session

  • The scholarship award is worth N100,000,00 (One hundred thousand Naira) per student for the duration of an academic session. Upon award, it will be renewed subject to a minimum CGPA equivalent of “Second Class, Lower Division” for University students and “Upper Credit” for polytechnic students.

Course Requirement for SABMF Scholarships 2014

  • Only candidates who were admitted into science and technology courses in public universities and polytechnics are eligible to apply for the scholarship.

Eligibility Criteria for the scholarship

  • Offer of admission into a full time degree or HND programme in a public university or polytechnic
  • Satisfy the minimum requirement for registration in the institution and the department or faculty as a full time student Credit in 5 ‘O’ level papers including English and Mathematics at not more than two sittings
  • Must be indigenes of any of the 19 states of Northern Nigeria (Evidence of State of Origin will be required).
  • Must not be more than 25 years of age by the date of entry into the university or polytechnic
  • A letter of reference from a community leader
Note: However, meeting these eligibility criteria would not guarantee award of the scholarship which is subject to availability and candidate’s ranking in the selection exercise. Any falsification of information at any stage will result in the withdrawal of the scholarship.
General Instruction
  • Interested and qualified candidates for the 2014 Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation scholarships are required to apply online
  • Incomplete applications will not be processed.
  • Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
  • Names of successful candidates will be published in a national daily and on the Foundation’s website.
  • Applicants who have already been awarded scholarships under other schemes will not be considered.
Application Closing Date
All applications for the Sir Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation scholarships for 2013/2014 academic year must be submitted not later than 25th April, 2014.
How To Apply For SABMF 2014 scholarships
Qualified and interested candidates should send their personal information (not more than one page) in the following format using MS Word and as an attached document to:
  • Full Names (in the order of first name, middle name, surname)
  • GSM phone number(s)
  • Email address
  • Age, Date of Birth, Place of Birth
  • Gender (male or female)
  • State of Origin
  • Local Government Area
  • Name & phone number of a community leader from the applicant’s LGA known to him/her.
  • Name of University/Polytechnic.
  • Course of Study & Level.
  • Scholarship and/or Bursary held currently.
  • WAEC/NECO Result (list subject and grades).
Only shortlisted candidates will be invited to attend a screening exercise during which they will be required to present the following:
  • 3 passport photographs (each measuring 2 inches x 2 inches).
  • Certificate of State of Origin.
  • Birth Certificate.
  • JAMB examination result.
  • Original copy of admission letter from JAMB and the institution.
  • Evidence of fees payment and faculty/departmental registration.
  • Valid student identification card.
  • WAEC or NECO senior secondary school examination result(s).
  • A letter of reference from a community leader in the applicant’s LGA.
That’s how to apply for the Ahmadu Bello Memorial Foundation 2013/2014 scholarships. All the best!!!


UTME 2014 Paper Types: JAMB Used “SELF”

UTME 2014 Paper Types: JAMB Used “SELF”

The paper types used by JAMB for 2014 UTME PPT candidates were ‘SELF’. This is for the examination held on Saturday, 12th April, 2014. Did you notice this combination?
UTME 2014 Paper Types
Last year JAMB used ‘DIBU’ as the paper types, the name of the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) Registrar, Dibu.Candidates who took part in some form of malpractice did not get this combination and many of them that we got to talk to scored zero out of the maximum score of four hundred. That was it for last year.


Addax Scholarship 2014: How To Apply

Addax Scholarship 2014: How To Apply


Addax Petroleum Development Nigeria Limited invites qualified candidates for its 2013/2014 National Merit University Scholarship Awards Scheme.
i.  Must be a Nigerian  .
ii. Must be a registered, full time, 100 level undergraduate in Nigeria university
iii.  Must have 5 ‘O’ level credit passes in one sitting including English Language and Mathematics.
• Any candidate currently a beneficiary of a Scholarship of any kind is not eligible to apply
• Dependants of employees of Addax are not eligible to apply.
(1) To qualify for consideration, applicants MUST submit an application with the following information on MS-Word Format:
a. Surname
b. Other Names
c. Sex
d. Functional E-mail address and phone number
(2) And attach scanned copies of original: 
(i) Admission letter into institution with information on course of study, year of entry and duration.
(ii) SCSSE/GCE O’ level Certificate
(iii) Evidence of State of Origin Local Government
(iv) School ID card or NationallD or Driver’s Licence or International passport
Applications without all these credentials will be rejected.
All applications should be submitted with scanned copies of credentials through ANY of the following e-mail addresses;
D) Application Closing Date:
Friday, April 25, 2014.